Why the increased interest in CarlChinn.com?

GoDaddy Auctions CarlChinn.com

Carl Chinn has his own Wikipedia page. He is an English historian, writer and broadcaster. According to Wikipedia his working life has been devoted to the study and popularisation of the city of Birmingham in the U.K.

But that’s not the Carl Chinn who owned CarlChinn.com. This Mr. Chinn is an American who is a Church security writer and consultant. Here is an archive from 2019.

CarlChinn.com expired at GoDaddy and closed at $7,300. The domain name expired last year on the same day and went for just $510. It seems odd there would be a $7,300 price tag this year. Possibly another auction game being played.

When you check out the U.K. Mr Chinn’s wiki it shows a domain name of CarlChinnsBrum.com.

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