Poloniex Exchange using P.xyz

Poloniex Exchange a cryptocurrency exchange platform based in Boston, Massachusetts seems to be using P.xyz as a redirect. One letter .xyz domain names are not cheap, now I am sure they can well afford it, but $12,500 for a redirect? I imagine they have plans …

Quite the popcorn thread

Every once in awhile someone likes to come into Namepros, tell the members they suck and are hated. Not just Namepros members but all domainers, and there are certainly many that dislike domain investors. With this discussion the thread starter is a genius hanging out …

John Berryhill gives another masterclass on understanding UDRP disputes

In the thread that deals with the UDRP for Lambo.com. John Berryhill once again provides a masterclass for those who want to understand the UDRP process better. John points out the important things that especially newer domain investors should understand. One of the better posts …

Welcome to DomainBlog.com

Welcome to DomainBlog.com a joint effort from both East and West. Yinan Wang a successful Chinese domain investor is the founder of DomainBlog.com. Raymond Hackney is the managing editor and based in Pennsylvania. We will be providing you with domain news, ideas and sales information …