HyperAi.com sold for $40K

In addition to the interest around keyword.ai there have been some solid KeywordAi.com sales. Elad Nof posted that he sold HyperAi.com for $40,000. It would be tied with Photoai.com which is a very popular website now run by @levelsio. HyperAi.com was registered back in 2015. …

Employer.com sold for $450,000

Jesse Tinsley posted on X that his company purchased Employer.com for $450,000. Registered in 1995 the domain looks to have been owned by iEstates.com. Parked at Afternic and registered at GoDaddy. Checking out Jesse’s Bio on X Founded/bootstrapped to $300M+ | http://Recruiter.com, http://Employer.com, http://BountyJobs.com, http://BeforeYouApply.com …

GMGN.com sells for $75K

Andrew Rosener announced that he sold GMGN.com on Afternic. Someone just hit the buy it now. Great sale by Andrew. GMGN.com was registered in 2004. DotDB.com shows GMGN registered in 45 extensions. Sold https://t.co/CvCHCt6S5T for $75,000 on a BIN at Afternic! ETH heads gonna say …